Monday, April 30, 2012

JBoss Tools Browser Simulator Standalone Application Build

What is JBoss Tools Browser Simulator (BrowserSim)?

Browsersim is quick and easy way to test how your web application going to look like on mobile device. Truth be told it cannot be 100% reliable and no a replacement for platform specific emulator.

BrowserSim is available as part of JBoss Tools Project, but there is simpler way to get your hand over it and try if it works for you.

How to configure your environment to get BrowserSim running

  • Windows: 
    • Only 32-bit Eclipse/JBDS is supported; 
    • Apple QuickTime or iTunes must be installed (they contain Apple Application Support which provides WebKit engine for BrowserSim). 
  • Linux: 
    • WebKitGTK 1.2.0 or newer must be installed and available in the library load path. 
    • This should be available on RHEL and Ubuntu by default, if not use your package manager to install libwebkitgtk 
  • Mac OS X 
    • It just works. 

What is required to build BrowserSim standalone application

    Install prerequisites listed below:
  • Java SDK 1.6
  • Apache Maven 3.0.X
  • Subversion client

How to build BrowserSim standalone application with maven

mkdir browsersim
cd browsersim
svn checkout
mvn package -Dmaven.repo.local=.m2 -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false
then depending on used platform it can be started as
and will show iPhone2 skin by default. Use context menu on window title to:
  • select device
  • rotate your device
  • change settings

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Forge for DB Reverse Engineering with CRUD (video)

Forge also has a Hibernate Tools plugin that allows it to analyze a database schema and produce JPA entity classes. Then Forge can use its scaffolding feature to generate JSF2 Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) user interfaces.

Forge for DB Reverse Engineering with CRUD from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

Hibernate Tools for DB Reverse Engineering (video)

Hibernate Tools have been part of JBoss Developer Studio for a long time - now they are integrated with Dali - and you can use Dali's JPA Generate Entities from Tables feature. This video walks you through how to setup the Hibernate Configuration and the JBDC connection to allow for JPA entity generation.

Sakila H2 Database:

Hibernate Tools for DB Reverse Engineering from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

Forge Introduction in JBoss Developer Studio 5 (video)

Forge is JBoss's rapid application development tool. A command line based tool that is embedded in JBoss Developer Studio 5. Run a whole script of commands to render a complete application.

Forge Introduction in JBoss Developer Studio 5 from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

RichFaces 4 for Desktop & Mobile in JBDS 5 (video)

JBoss Central provides an archetype for RichFaces 4, also implementing the "kitchensink" example. RichFaces 4 leverages EE 6's BeanValidation by moving those declarative validation rules from the server down to the client.

RichFaces 4 for Desktop & Mobile in JBDS 5 from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

JBDS 5 Java EE 6 Web + Arquillian (video)

This demonstration follows #1 that shows installation and Aerogear's POH5 or HTML5 archetype. This demo drills into the Java EE 6 Web Project and Arquillian for automated integration testing.

2. JBDS 5 Java EE 6 Web + Arquillian from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

JBDS 5 Installation, HTML5, Mobile & OpenShift (Video)

This video walks you through the installation of JBoss Developer Studio 5, uses the JBoss Central HTML5 archetype, introduces the Mobile BrowserSim to demonstrate an application that supports both desktop & mobile UIs and finally uploads it all to OpenShift for testing on real devices.

JBDS 5 Installation, HTML5, Mobile & OpenShift from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.